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Naval General Service Medal to AB. Judd, Royal Navy Officially named to: J951147 R.G. JUDD, AB. RN Clasp for Near …
Group of four to Cooper D. Nicholson, Royal Navy Naval General Service 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria officially named to:…
Queens South Africa Medal to Cpl. Darling, Scottish Rifles Officially named to: 7826 CORL. G. DARLING, SCOT. RIFLES …
Group of six to Sergeant J. V. Hoole, East Lancashire Regiment, late Orderly, Whalley Division, St. John Ambulance Briga…
Queens South Africa Medal to Pte. Mare, 1st Dragoon Guards. Officially named to: 4948 PTE. F. MARE 1ST RL. DRAGOONS. …
Queens South Africa Medal to a Canadian serving in the S.A.C. Officially named to: 1892 TPR. S.J. MARKHAM. S.A.C. …
Queens Sudan Medal to Pte. Sutch, Warwickshire Regiment. Officially named to: 3513 PTE. E. SUTCH, 1/R. WAR. R. Ver…
Transport Medal to Chief Engineer Thomson. Officially named to J. THOMSON Single clasp for S. Africa 1899-1902. Ve…
WWI Pair to Captain C. F. Buser, Indian Army late Machine Gun Corps and South African Infantry British War and Victory…
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