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Abyssinia Medal to Leading Stoker Dann, HMS Octavia, Royal Navy Officially named to: LG. STOKER G. DANN H.M.S. OCTAVI…
WWI Air Force Cross group of four, one confirmed kill, June 1917 to Captain A.B. Wright R.A.F. Air Force Cross unname…
C.B.E. Military, 1st type. In box of issue from Garrard & Co. LTD Slight damage to enamel at 3 o:clock otherwise v…
WWII CBE, DSC group to Captain Martin James Evans, Royal Navy CBE Military issue. DSC Reverse dated 1945 1939-4…
1911 Coronation Medal to Pte. Hollis, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Officially named to: PTE. A. HOLLIS Court mounte…
Heavy Brigade Chargers Crimea Medal to Sgt. Brackley, 6th Dragoon Guards. Officially impressed naming to: SERGT. D. B…
Victorian group of five to Colour Sergeant A. Hay, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, late Cameron Highlanders and Royal Navy Crime…
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Officers Crimea Medal to Captain Hopkins, 49th Foot. Contemporary engraved naming to: CAPT. J. HOPKINS 49TH REGT. …
A Great War ‘Mesopotamia’ D.S.O. group of five awarded to Lieutenant-Colonel A. Watson, Royal Army Medical Corps, wh…
Officers Indian Mutiny Medal to Captain Hereford, 73rd Regiment. Officially named to: CAPT. R.J. HEREFORD, 73RD REGT.…
Group of six to Paymaster-in-Chief Frederick Lima, Royal Navy India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Pegu officially …
India General Service Medal to Pte. Rowan, Manchester Regiment. Officially named to: 2465 Pte. H. Rowan, 2nd Bn. Manc…
Imperial Service Medal to Alexander MacKenzie Officially named to: ALEXANDER MACKENZIE Very fine.
Indian Mutiny Medal to Pte. Gorman, 82nd Foot. Officially named to: JOHN GORMAN 82ND REGT. Two clasps for Lucknow …
K.C.B. Civil breast star. Gold silver and enamel. Made by Garrard & Co. Engraved on reverse "FROM FAMOUS BARR 9-15-6…
Defence of Kelat-i-Ghilzie 1842 Medal Unnamed as issued, fitted with a silver straight bar suspension, Very fine…
H.M. Coastguard Long Service Medal to William Harcus Officially named to: WILLIAM HARCUS. In box of issue, very fi…
Canadian Decoration to Leading Seaman Wigg, Royal Canadian Navy Officially named to: Ldg. Smn. W.S. WIGG. With Ser…
Messina Earthquake Medal Unnamed as issued. Court mounted very fine.
Military General Service Medal to Pte. Taylor, 3rd Foot. Officially named to: JOHN TAYLOR, 3RD FOOT Clasps for Tal…
Naval General Service Medal to AB. Judd, Royal Navy Officially named to: J951147 R.G. JUDD, AB. RN Clasp for Near …
Group of four to Cooper D. Nicholson, Royal Navy Naval General Service 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria officially named to:…
Queens South Africa Medal to Cpl. Darling, Scottish Rifles Officially named to: 7826 CORL. G. DARLING, SCOT. RIFLES …
Group of six to Sergeant J. V. Hoole, East Lancashire Regiment, late Orderly, Whalley Division, St. John Ambulance Briga…
Queens South Africa Medal to Pte. Mare, 1st Dragoon Guards. Officially named to: 4948 PTE. F. MARE 1ST RL. DRAGOONS. …
Queens South Africa Medal to a Canadian serving in the S.A.C. Officially named to: 1892 TPR. S.J. MARKHAM. S.A.C. …
Queens Sudan Medal to Pte. Sutch, Warwickshire Regiment. Officially named to: 3513 PTE. E. SUTCH, 1/R. WAR. R. Ver…
Transport Medal to Chief Engineer Thomson. Officially named to J. THOMSON Single clasp for S. Africa 1899-1902. Ve…
WWI Pair to Captain C. F. Buser, Indian Army late Machine Gun Corps and South African Infantry British War and Victory…
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