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Queens South Africa Medal to Pte. Schreiber, Mafeking Town Guard Officially named to: L. SCHREBIER MAFEKING TOWN GD…
Queens South Africa Medal to Pte. Swain, R.A.M.C. Died on active service. Officially named to: 6675 PTE. W. SWAIN R.A…
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Royal Victorian Order miniature group of four. Period group of four in sterling silver. Royal Victorian Order, Jubile…
South Africa Medal to Staff Surgeon Barrow, Staff Medical Services. Officially named to: STAFF SURGN. 2ND CLASS T. BA…
Waterloo Medal to Cpl. John Marshall 16th Dragoon Guards Officially impressed naming to: CORPORAL JOHN MARSHALL, 16TH…
WWI Canadian Trio to Cpl. Lamb, Lord Strathconas Horse. Wounded in action. 1914-15 Star officially named to: 2836 L.C…
WWII Group of eight. 1939-45 Star, Atlantic Star, Africa Star, Burma Star, Italy Star, and War Medal unnamed as issue…
WWII Group to Warrant Officer Class II S. Sleeth, Royal Canadian Air Force, who was killed in action during an operati…
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