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Product Information

WWI Military Cross group to Lieutenant Herbert Marston Webb, Royal Engineers.

Military Cross engraved on reverse: 26.3.1918 H.M. WEBB. LT. R.E. FRAMERVILLE

1914-15 Star officially named to: 2834 L.CPL. H.M. WEBB WORC. R.

War and Victory Medals officially named to: LIEUT. H.M. WEBB

Mounted for display, very fine.

Citation London Gazette July 29 1918

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.When in command of a company holding a front line, the enemy broke through on his left flank and occupied a position. He at once organised a counter attack and recaptured it. Three times the enemy attacked and gained the position only to be driven out again. On the third occasion he personally captured a machine gun, disposing of the crew of three men. Throughout the operation his fine courage and skilful leadership were of the highest order.



Product Code: EM4103

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